Mississippi's Updates
Volume II of the BEAM Initial Proposal provided that Mississippi BEAD project areas would originate with county supervisor districts and take into consideration other factors as necessary. After extensive analysis of the number of BEAD eligible locations, permitting or geographical obstacles (rail, rivers, etc.), estimated cost per passing, and provider return on investment; BEAM has now developed proposed project areas for BEAD funding. Mississippi will fund only those locations that are BEAD eligible within the project areas and is awaiting approval of those locations from NTIA. A CSV file of anticipated BEAD eligible locations and KML file of proposed project areas are provided at www.broadbandms.com/register/bead.
BEAM will accept comments on the project areas until January 24, 2025, at msbead@beam.ms.gov. After considering comments that are provided, BEAM will publish final project areas prior to the opening of the application portal.
BEAM is aware of some variance between the posted data and actual service availability. Due to regulatory lag, BEAM does not have access to the most recent submissions from Mississippi providers for the Broadband Data Collection (BDC). Additionally, the USDA Reconnect program has pending awards that, if funded, could alter final project areas. Also, the proposed project areas reflect awards made in Round I of Mississippi’s CPF Grant Program, and Round II of CPF awards will be reflected in the final project areas. Results of the Mississippi Challenge Process are also reflected in the projected BEAD eligible locations.
BEAM has identified numerous locations across the state that show as unserved in BDC data and are thus included in project areas -- but are most likely served. The BDC data determines the locations that BEAM is required to list as unserved and bead eligible. Unserved locations may have been inadvertently missed during BDC reporting while other locations may not have a true residential structure. Whatever the case, the BEAM office requests input from local providers to determine the true status of these locations.
To provide accuracy in BEAD project areas – and to minimize the outlay of taxpayer funds, please respond with comments regarding any needed revisions to the proposed project areas to msbead@beam.ms.gov by January 24, 2025.
What Has Happened
To submit a challenge, as per the NTIA guidance, you must represent a broadband service provider, local government, tribal government, or non-profit. It is also strongly recommended that your entity requests an NTIA Fabric License. The Challenge Process is now closed, and BEAM is currently in a curing phase with NTIA.