Mississippi Capital Projects Fund (CPF) Preliminary Determinations
The Office of Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM) has made preliminary determinations for an initial round of funding from the U.S. Department of the Treasury Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund established by Section 604 of the Social Security Act, as added by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). All applications were evaluated through a competitive scoring process in compliance with U.S. Department of Treasury Guidance for the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund for States, Territories & Freely Associated States and Miss. Code Ann. Section 77-19-1 et. seq.
The following information regarding this first round of preliminary determinations is provided as required by Miss. Code Ann. Section 77-19-15(2).
Comments or objections window is now closed and BEAM will no longer be accepting any comments or objections for the CPF program.
Capital Projects Fund Application Map
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Application Map
Capital Projects Fund Preliminary Determinations List
Provider | Project Name | Award Amount | Number of Locations |
No data |
*All projects receiving a preliminary determination will provide service that reliably meets or exceeds symmetrical download and upload speeds of 100 Mbps.